And thus, it begins my journey into Warlord’s Black Seas. As usual, I was talked into this. Adam has had a long infatuation with the age of sail. Neither of us wanted anything too complicated since we don’t have a lot of time for an actual game. Initially, I was going to do his Britannic Majesty’s fleet but then the US fleet was announced.
Ah the early frigates of the US, these have always been an interest of mine and this allowed me to indulge myself. During my 30th wedding anniversary, my wife decided we should take a trip and suggested Boston, I was sure, but we would have to visit the USS Constitution that is docked there. Boyhood wishes fulfilled and I got to stride the storied planks of Old Ironsides. Deep breath, I was in awe.
So back to the reason for this blog the assembly, painting and, rigging on a 1/700 scale US heavy frigate.
In the box I received a resin hull, it needed only minor clean up, mostly along the waterline. White metal mast with yardarm, bowsprit, boats, and anchors. Laminated paper sails, acetate ratlines, and a spool of thread.

The masts need to be carefully straightened.

I feel the assembly instructions are a bit vague and the don’t mention that you will need to drill holes in the resin hull for the bracing the masts.
Then comes the rigging. Warlord’s website has some very basic rigging, however since this is one of the big six I decided to make her extra special and added even more.

Then came the sails and ratlines. Sadly I forgot to take pictures as I went through the process of adding them.

Finally the finished ship.

Currently, I am a husband and father working in the insurance industry. A longtime hobbyist who started with building models then moved to collect lead miniatures in the 1970s for D&D. I played FASA Star Trek and Battletech in the early 1990’s before being talked into GW’s Warhammer 40K. I have moved away from big armies games and more towards skirmish games. Foremost I am currently a painter and play when I am able. I have a taken a bronze in the Golden Daemons and have won some other painting contests. Current armies: WWII in 15 & 28mm, WH40K Eldar, Blood Angels and Sisters of Battle, Fantasy High Elves, all kinds of Lord of the Rings. I have recently become interesting Pulp Era gaming and I am building my selection of models and terrain for it.