What do you do when you participated in a Kickstarter for a board game in back in 2011 and the rules are terrible, and the second wave of miniatures are disappointing? Well, if you are me you take them and shove them in the back of a closet so the miniature can mature like a fine wine. Then occasionally you look at the box, shake your head and close the door. That was my relationship with Studio McVey’s Sedition Wars: The Battle for Alabaster.

Well fast forward to 2021 and suddenly a new rule set called Stargrave been announced and the count down is on. Trying to be frugal so the wife doesn’t scold me for buying new miniature when I have so many already, I return to my closet and retrieve Sedition Wars and pillage it for the miniatures.

Sifting through the box I find 9 miniatures that are nearly perfect for what I need. I need some troopers, a Medic, a hand to hand specialist, a flamethrower, a grenade launcher, and a mechanic/decker.

Needing a Captain, I remember there is a merc captain that was from Warlord’s Gates of Antares line and that his exactly what I wanted. So I dug back into my stash and there he is.

From Archon Studio’s Starfinder line I found my first mate and a sniper.

More shots of the rest of the crew.

So that completes my Stargrave crew. I think they came together well.

Currently, I am a husband and father working in the insurance industry. A longtime hobbyist who started with building models then moved to collect lead miniatures in the 1970s for D&D. I played FASA Star Trek and Battletech in the early 1990’s before being talked into GW’s Warhammer 40K. I have moved away from big armies games and more towards skirmish games. Foremost I am currently a painter and play when I am able. I have a taken a bronze in the Golden Daemons and have won some other painting contests. Current armies: WWII in 15 & 28mm, WH40K Eldar, Blood Angels and Sisters of Battle, Fantasy High Elves, all kinds of Lord of the Rings. I have recently become interesting Pulp Era gaming and I am building my selection of models and terrain for it.