Aliens of the Crystal Skull
I finally finished my Pulp Alley faction/team! Aliens of the Crystal Skull which consist of Skinnies from the Starship Troopers, and a Kroot Hound from Warhammer 40k. The team consists of:– Tyrant (the guy with the red cape)– Raider with a jump pack– Two soldiers– Technician/Scientist (Modified with a probe, and a tech case)– Tyrant’s…

The Dip – Trials on Team Yankee
After several years of owning The Army Painter Quick Shade Dips.  With this project, I used the strong tone, and have to say I am quite pleased with the look. The lucky part of painting cold war Russian armor is there is no camo and single solid color.  I started with Tamiya spray for plastics… (0 comment)