Stargrave Crew
What do you do when you participated in a Kickstarter for a board game in back in 2011 and the rules are terrible, and the second wave of miniatures are disappointing? Well, if you are me you take them and shove them in the back of a closet so the miniature can mature like a…

Aliens of the Crystal Skull
I finally finished my Pulp Alley faction/team! Aliens of the Crystal Skull which consist of Skinnies from the Starship Troopers, and a Kroot Hound from Warhammer 40k. The team consists of:– Tyrant (the guy with the red cape)– Raider with a jump pack– Two soldiers– Technician/Scientist (Modified with a probe, and a tech case)– Tyrant’s…

Team 1 Preparing for Boots in the Mud
Team 1 of my Soviets has been completed!  After the contrast paints, I worked with some highlights, and some inks just to help clean up areas and enhance them.  Bases are painted Highland Moss, and next will be gloss coat and dull coat along with some stones and flocking.  Some of the updates are the… (0 comment)

I am Werewolf, Hear me roar!
Here is a nice piece from Reaper Miniatures, 02747: Jean-Paul DuChamps, Werewolf by Ben Siens. Since I had decided to use this piece in a future pulp gaming scenario I decided to mount him on a 40mm clear round base from Renedra, Ltd. So the first thing I did was clip away as much of…

2012 GW Games Day Miniature
The Blood Angels were my 1st Warhammer 40K army back in 1993 followed closely by the Eldar. Inspired by the box set cover and the back story the Blood Angels became my chapter. So, when Games Day 2012 rolled around, and it was announced that GW was releasing a model of the classic Blood Angels…

Kill Team
have not played any 8th edition 40K, however I have been enjoying the few games of the new Kill Team that GW has released. I picked up the new box and was impressed with the value and contents. Sadly I wasn’t interested in either of the teams that was included. I was in the box…

The Dip – Trials on Team Yankee
After several years of owning The Army Painter Quick Shade Dips.  With this project, I used the strong tone, and have to say I am quite pleased with the look. The lucky part of painting cold war Russian armor is there is no camo and single solid color.  I started with Tamiya spray for plastics… (0 comment)