Recently I read a blog post about old the Old Games Workshop White Dwarf conversion of the first Space Marine Whirlwind that they published. I admit I felt a bit of nostalgia while reading the article. I remember back in 1993 when I first started playing 40k I wanted a Whirlwind but did like the metal crayon launcher that had been released.
Somehow a managed to locate a copy of the White Dwarf article and decided that I preferred the conversion. So, armed with a secondhand Rhino I set out to make myself a Whirlwind. It was an easy conversion, but I did have to complicate things by making it my own and dressing it up a bit more.

I also made extra armor to model this upgrade on my model.

Currently, I am a husband and father working in the insurance industry. A longtime hobbyist who started with building models then moved to collect lead miniatures in the 1970s for D&D. I played FASA Star Trek and Battletech in the early 1990’s before being talked into GW’s Warhammer 40K. I have moved away from big armies games and more towards skirmish games. Foremost I am currently a painter and play when I am able. I have a taken a bronze in the Golden Daemons and have won some other painting contests. Current armies: WWII in 15 & 28mm, WH40K Eldar, Blood Angels and Sisters of Battle, Fantasy High Elves, all kinds of Lord of the Rings. I have recently become interesting Pulp Era gaming and I am building my selection of models and terrain for it.