
Soviets and Contrast Paints

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15mm is a great size to quickly paint through an army, though I am still picky.  I figured I could try and use some of GW Contrast Paints to at least base coat the Soviets and prepare them for future engagements.  I’ve run the test on one of the teams that have the sniper detachment.

Primed 15MM
15mm Combo of Team Yankee and Plastic Soldier Company Primed Wrath Bone

I used contrast paints, Black Templar for Boots, Snakebite for Webbing, Militarum Green for Helmet, a 2:1 ratio Wyldwood mixed with Militarum Green for Uniforms, Guilliman Flesh for Skin and Space Wolves Grey for Weapons.  I didn’t spend a lot of time going into detail, just making sure the areas that needed to be hit were.  One coat on the figures.

Using Contrast Paints on 15mm
One coat of contrast paint on the miniatures

I found the contrasts paints to do mostly a good job, I like how they cover the area and find them to be a great guide to see where additional highlight and shading might be needed.

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