So as usually I was talked into a new game. I have to admit that it wasn’t all that hard, I’m a sucker for these things and fairly susceptible to nice models. Battlefront put out Team Yankee more than a year ago and I finally decided to jump in with the US. I don’t have plans for overly large force but I have aquired a box of Bannon’s Boys, a flight of A10s and 2 each of the M163 VADS and M901 ITV.
Assembly of the Abrams, M113 and Cobras went quickly, but he resin A10s took longer. The curse of miss-aligned molds struck. liquid green stuff helped repair the worst of it.

Currently, I am a husband and father working in the insurance industry. A longtime hobbyist who started with building models then moved to collect lead miniatures in the 1970s for D&D. I played FASA Star Trek and Battletech in the early 1990’s before being talked into GW’s Warhammer 40K. I have moved away from big armies games and more towards skirmish games. Foremost I am currently a painter and play when I am able. I have a taken a bronze in the Golden Daemons and have won some other painting contests. Current armies: WWII in 15 & 28mm, WH40K Eldar, Blood Angels and Sisters of Battle, Fantasy High Elves, all kinds of Lord of the Rings. I have recently become interesting Pulp Era gaming and I am building my selection of models and terrain for it.