Pulp Garage
I have discovered that in pulp gaming not only are cars a mode of transport, but they also terrain. These vehicles are part of the image of the era and rather essential. Over the past year I have building my garage and here are my results. These vehicles are 1/48 scale and are from a…

Team 1 Preparing for Boots in the Mud
Team 1 of my Soviets has been completed!  After the contrast paints, I worked with some highlights, and some inks just to help clean up areas and enhance them.  Bases are painted Highland Moss, and next will be gloss coat and dull coat along with some stones and flocking.  Some of the updates are the… (0 comment)

Soviets and Contrast Paints
15mm is a great size to quickly paint through an army, though I am still picky.  I figured I could try and use some of GW Contrast Paints to at least base coat the Soviets and prepare them for future engagements.  I’ve run the test on one of the teams that have the sniper detachment.… (0 comment)

The Start of the Cold War
Soviets are preparing with a fresh layer of paint.  My friend Thom and I have decided to take our Team Yankee figures and base them for Platoon level of play.  The systems we are looking into are No End in Sight, and Disposable Heroes using some modified rules.  Both Thom and I are not fans… (0 comment)

The Dip – Trials on Team Yankee
After several years of owning The Army Painter Quick Shade Dips.  With this project, I used the strong tone, and have to say I am quite pleased with the look. The lucky part of painting cold war Russian armor is there is no camo and single solid color.  I started with Tamiya spray for plastics… (0 comment)

So as usually I was talked into a new game. I have to admit that it wasn’t all that hard, I’m a sucker for these things and fairly susceptible to nice models. Battlefront put out Team Yankee more than a year ago and I finally decided to jump in with the US. I don’t have…